Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью. Торгово-сервисная компания.
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809

Thrust Ball Bearings

2730_product Thrust ball bearings consist of two precision chrome steel washers (rings). And a ball complement spaced by a bronze retainer. Because the bearings can be separated. The mounting is simple. The washers and ball as well as the cage assembly can be mounted separately.

Single direction can accommodate axial loads in one direction. Thus locate a shaft axially in one direction. These must not be subject to any radial load. Double-direction thrust ball bearings can accommodate axial loads acting in both directions and can serve to axially locate a shaft in both directions.

Products are all from trusted ball bearing suppliers.


  • Fast and easy installation even without the use of a mounting tool


Used for the machine element with lower speeds in a single side of an axial load such as:

  • Crane hook
  • Drilling tools
  • Immediate centrifuge
  • Speed reducers
  • Low-precision firm equipment
Склад в г. Атырау

Что  у нас имеется на складе:

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Запорная арматура.

*Шпильки марка стали Х40

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809