Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью. Торгово-сервисная компания.
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809

Special Compakt Seals

Special Compakt Seals


The configuration of the lead-throughs of carrier pipes/cables with an outer Diameter from 4 to 32; 40; 50 mm, can be chosen freely. The sealing is pressure tight up to 1 bar. The system is split and there-fore suitable for retrofitting. For each opening we deliver blind plugs which can be taken out when inserting the pipe/cable so that unused openings remain selead pressure-tight with a blind plug. Therefore it is also possible to install other pipes and cables later. For the installation no special tools besides a torque wrench are required.

Sealing system 

The PSI Ring seal Compakt special version is ideal for sealing wall
penetrations for gas, water, sewage pipes and cables against pressing 
and non-pressing water.


PSI Special Compakt Seals are made upon customer request. Here, almost all versions are possible: Oval pipes, square recesses, eccentric positioning, lead-throughs of several pipes or cables either as split/open or closed Version.

Material qualities

The rubber materials available are EPDM standard, NBR for applications such as: Methane gas (biogas facilities), Viton and EPDM for potable water. For the pressure plates, S304 (V2A) stainless steel  is used as the standard. S316 (V4A) and epoxy coated pressure plates upon request.

Склад в г. Атырау

Что  у нас имеется на складе:

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Запорная арматура.

*Шпильки марка стали Х40

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809