Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью. Торгово-сервисная компания.
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809

Intelligent magnetic leakage detection cleaning pig

Главная \ Продукция \ Shenyang Yongye Industry \ Intelligent magnetic leakage detection cleaning pig

The detector with magnet produces a longitudinal magnetic field on the circumference of the tube wall. When the detector is in the tube, if the tube wall without defect, the magnetic coil is inside the tube wall. If the inner wall or the outer wall of the tube is defective, the magnetic force lines will penetrate out of the tube wall to produce magnetic leakage(Magnetic Flux Leakage-MFL). The operation of the process as shown below. The leakage magnetic field is located between the two poles, close to the probe of the tube wall to pick up, and produce the corresponding induction signal, the signal through the filter, after amplified processing, recorded on the detector with the memory, and then Playback processing data, to determine its identification. 

Product structure 



Склад в г. Атырау

Что  у нас имеется на складе:

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Запорная арматура.

*Шпильки марка стали Х40

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809