Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью. Торгово-сервисная компания.
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809

Safety Stopper

Safety Stopper

Fields of Application

Safety Stopper is a new generation of sealing plugs for reliably, quickly and securely sealing pipe ends. The Safety Stopper should be used wherever open pipe-ends have to be reliably closed for an inspection, for flushing, repair or pressure tests with air or water up to 0,5 bar. Safety Stopper can be installed up to 1000 times,it will resist falls from up to 3 m without taking damage and is much  quicker to install and remove than  conventional pipe Stoppers.

 The Advantages

  • Easy and safe to use
  • Reusable
  • Robust construction for a long service life
  • Secure pressure test with air and water
  • Safety Stopper can be opened remotely and risk free
  • Quick installation of the Safety Stopper through quick-release mechanism 
    with the cam Level
  • Being able to "remote control" the Safety Stoppers means that the safety rules of the Trade Association (BGR 126) are being complied with


The principle

The radial expansion of the sealing rubber triggered by activating the cam 
Lever, ensures that the end of the pipe is securely sealed and pressure-tight.
Pressing down the clamping lever allows the Safety Stopper to be installed 
quickly. The clamp can easily be released by pulling it up with a rope or the 
installation tool without having to enter the shaft.

Optional tool

With the telescopic tool, it is possible to open and close the Safety Stopper 
without entering the shaft.

Склад в г. Атырау

Что  у нас имеется на складе:

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Труба от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 10Г2.

*Фитинги  от Ø22 до Ø219мм сталь 08X17H14M3.

*Запорная арматура.

*Шпильки марка стали Х40

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, проспект Н. Назарбаева 103, офис 809